By Bianca Kallukaran, published in AMM Bulletin Winter 2023
On the 16th of July 2023 Sunday, the Association of the Miraculous Medal (Sydney) held the Annual Day Retreat at the Daughters’ of Charity grounds in Marsfield. The Annual Day Retreat is a time for both members and non-members to reflect and share on a theme (that is usually Marian-centred), which in 2023, was centred on:
Come as you are that’s how I want you
(Alive with the Spirit in the mercy of God).
Fr Kevin Canty, CM and Fr Greg Walsh, CM were the speakers for the day on the theme. Fr Kevin spoke about doing God’s will and surrendering and trusting a loyal and tender God (as he focused on the two hearts one of sorrow and one of love on the Miraculous Medal).
This was then succeeded by a praise and worship session and time for silent reflection. Fr Greg focused on the image on the Miraculous Medal of Our Lady crushing the head of the serpent and how her one humble “Yes” made her the channel of salvation for the world. Both the talks crossed over in stressing the importance of being faithful, even when God’s grace doesn’t seem to be enough or the path ahead is unclear.
In between the talks, there was also time for fellowship over a light meal. Many retreatants were able to have a long-awaited catchup with fellow parishioners in the Marsfield community and even from the Ashfield community (at St. Vincent’s parish). It is in gathering like these we find unity and strength, for it is “when two or three are gathered, there am I [Jesus] in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20). The day ended with a Rosary prayer (led by Sr Rosa Tran, DC). And most importantly, the Holy Mass was celebrated to close the retreat.
The AMM Sydney community would like to thank especially Fr Kevin Canty, CM, Fr Greg Walsh, CM, the Daughters of Charity in Marsfield, and all those in the Marsfield and Ashfield communities who helped make this retreat possible. Of course, the retreat would not have come to fruition without the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and the merciful heart of Jesus. We look forward to seeing you all at the First Saturday Novena Masses as well as the next Day Retreat. Some photos taken during the retreat can be seen below.
God Bless!