Reflection: Spiritual Overview, Vinnies 2024

by Raul Manongdo

Sr. Therese DC recently shared her reflection in The Record, a newsletter by the St. Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) in Australia. Vinnies is part of the Vincentian Family, which includes various religious and lay groups inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, such as the Congregation of the Mission (CM), Daughters of Charity (DC), Marian Youth, and the Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM). Sr. Therese regularly speaks at AMM’s annual retreats. Last year, she dwelt on the theme of Discipleship.

The Record, National Overview 2023-2024, St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council of Australia, pg. 5

Christmas greeting from Sister Marie DC

By Sr. Marie Westblade DC

To Father Kevin and all AMM members,

I have been thinking of you all over this very special season of Christmas. 
I pray it has been a time to connect with loved ones and of special blessings . 
May 2025  be a year of peace, good health and happiness  Keep up your good work. 

Love to all. 

Sr. Marie