Welcome Fr. Rolando ‘Choy’ Limjoco, New Subdirector of International AMM

By Gene Dominguez, published in AMM Bulletin Easter 2023

Beginning of this year, the Association of the Miraculous Medal around the world has a new appointed Subdirector. Fr. Rolando ‘Choy’ Limjoco from the Province of the Philippines replaced Rev. Carl Pieber, CM after nine years of dedicated service. The announcement was made by Rev. Fr Tomas Mavric, C.M. Director of AMM International in a letter published in famvin.org website. A copy of the letter can be read below.

As a result of Fr. Choy taking the Subdirector role, Fr Amit Anantharaj of the PNG Province took over the AMM Asia Region Coordinator role from Fr. Choy. This was announced on the 28th of February in a special zoom meeting attended by some of the AMM Asia Regional representatives. It was agreed during the meeting that there will be an Asia Regional meeting to be held every 2 months on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

The last zoom meeting held on 8th of March 2023 was attended by AMM representatives from the Provinces of Thailand, Indonesia and PNG. Each of the regional association presented their apostolate, missions, and devotions which highlights the following:

  • Monthly mass, prayer of the rosary, and devotions to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
  • Yearly 9-day Novena to Our Lady
  • Visitation of the sick, spending time with them to pray and be hopeful.
  • Distribution of medals and leaflets of the Miriaculous Medal
  • Spreading the devotion to our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to various parishes and even to non-Christian populace.

Fr Marcin, Superior of the PNG mission, gave a talk on International Woman’s Day and the importance of women, especially of Our Lady. Before the meeting concluded, Fr Amit asked for suggestions on how the AMM Asia Region can improve the communication and sharing between the various regional associations and with the International AMM Association. A Facebook Messenger group chat has been created as a platform for online communication and sharing of ideas and updates amongst members of the AMM Asia Region. Suggestion of a newsletter/bulletin with article contributions from the different regions to be collated and prepared by Kevin, the secretary of Fr Choy was also raised.

From AMM Australia, we would like to congratulate Fr Rolando ‘Choy’ Limjoco, our new AMM International Subdirector and Fr Amit Anantharaj, our new AMM Asia Region Coordinator. May Our Lady continue to guide you and give you strength and wisdom to be successful in your new role and lead our organization in propagating the devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal at St. Anthony’s Parish, Marsfield

By Bianca Kallukaran

The Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal came about when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure (a Daughter of Charity) in the convent chapel in Paris on 27 November 1830. The Blessed Virgin Mary told St. Catherine that a medal be made in the pattern revealed to St Catherine Laboure during the apparition, promising that those who wore the medal would receive great graces. A medal was soon struck in this pattern as it goes in the recessional song often heard at the First Saturday Novena Masses at St Anthony’s Parish, Marsfield:

twelve stars ’round Mary’s head, shine like Apostles all….O’ Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee…two hearts in sorrow and love, Mary and Christ her Son..

Today, almost 2 centuries later, the Miraculous Medal continues to encourage devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, bringing many back to God by the simple act of wearing the medal, praying the Novena and Consecration prayers and faithfulness towards the promises conveyed first to St Catherine Laboure by Our Lady. Many groups or associations have been set up all over the world to foster and promote this devotion, including the Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM) here in Marsfield (and in Ashfield and Adelaide for the Australia Province). These groups are guided by Vincentian Priests (with the support of the Daughters of Charity- the very same congregation that St Catherine Laboure belonged to).

On the 26th day of November 2022, the members of AMM (Marsfield) celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal at St Anthony’s Parish, Marsfield together with others in the community. The day began with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr Kevin Canty, CM. The St Anthony’s Parish choir supported the music for the mass which brought much joy to this Solemnity day! Following the mass, the Miraculous Medals were distributed to those in attendance many eager to get a medal ! To further commemorate the Solemnity of the occasion, a fellowship meal was set up at the parish hall , which was a much anticipated fellowship after two-years of COVID restrictions.

Many of the AMM, Marsfield members would agree that it was truly an honour to celebrate this Feast day with many friends and loved ones in the community, a great culmination to the year of First Saturday Novena Masses for 2022*. We share the hope of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that many who wear the medal receive great graces and are brought closer to God, and would also like to extend an invite to those interested in joining the AMM to further this mission entrusted to us by Our Lady.

Have a Blessed Advent Season dear brothers and sisters – Emmanuel!