Reflection on Christmas

by Fr. Kevin Canty, CM (National Director), published in AMM Bulletin Christmas 2023.

In our first reading from Isaiah for the Christmas Day Mass, the prophet Isaiah announces the return of the Israelites from exile in terms that speak of “good tidings”. The Hebrew word for good tidings lies at the root of the New Testament ‘evangelion’ or gospel. Paul took up this very text and applied it to his own apostolic work of preaching the gospel in Romans 10:15, and it probably influenced Jesus’ own proclamation of his message of the kingdom or reign of God.

The use of the passage in the liturgy for Christmas suggests another application. It can be referred to the angelic proclamation at the nativity. This is indeed a proclamation of good tidings, a proclamation of salvation, an announcement of the beginning of the dawn of God’s reign. It is in the annunciation that the church sees the return of Yahweh to Zion to comfort his people and to Jerusalem. The angel at the nativity, Paul in his apostleship, and the church today all make the same proclamation: ‘Your God reigns’ – through the sending of Jesus into the world.

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Nov 27 – AMM Sydney Celebrates the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 2023

By Bianca Kallukaran, published in AMM Bulletin Christmas 2023.

On the 25th of November 2023, Saturday, AMM (Association of the Miraculous Medal) Sydney, hosted its annual celebration to honour the Feast Day (which falls on 27th November) of the Manifestation of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to Saint Catherine Laboure (Daughter of Charity). Every year, the AMM Sydney members enthusiastically prepare for this Feast Day, that begins with a celebration of the Holy Mass; and is followed by a fellowship meal that brings together members across Sydney (both new and old).

This Feast Day is of particular importance to AMM members in Sydney and around the world as it reminds us of the roots of the Association and fuels our devotions and works in propagating the message of Our Lady of the Miraculous medal (through First Saturday Novena Masses, distribution of Miraculous Medals, and membership into the Association) manifested in apparitions to Saint Catherine Laboure over a century ago. It is also an important reminder of having community in living out our faith by bringing members together through prayer and worship, through fellowship and a meal!

The day started with a celebration of the Holy Mass at St Anthony’s Parish in Marsfield (where AMM Marsfield members usually gather every First Saturday for the Novena Mass). Fr Kevin Canty, CM, our ever-faithful Celebrant, celebrated the Holy Mass assisted with Parish Priest, Fr Greg Walsh, CM. The liturgy was filled with reminders of how important Our Blessed Mother’s role is in man’s salvation, as Fr Kevin noted that the readings in the Liturgy were chosen out of the Missals for Marian Masses. And the St Anthony’s parish choir sung many hymns dedicated to Our Lady. All throughout, there were echoes of the Magnificat which our Lady proclaims upon her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, which brought this atmosphere of awe and wonder of the marvelous works of the Father in our lives and how each of us have a particular calling to live out in our lives. After the Holy Mass, the Miraculous Medals were distributed.

The Miraculous Medals are meant to be worn (usually around the neck) as a sign of devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The invocation, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” is usually accompanied with the wearing of this medal and an Act of Consecration. Saint Louis De Montefort is known for famously quoting: That is why

Perfect consecration to Jesus is but a perfect and complete consecration of oneself to the Blessed Virgin

and this is why devotion to Our Lady is so important. Our members came together, led by Sr Rosa Tran (DC) to prepare the Miraculous Medals for distribution to the members in the weeks leading up to the Feast Day Celebration. Sr Celine Quadros (DC) assisted greatly in ensuring that members had spaces to gather and meet in preparation for the Feast Day.

Finally, the Feast Day celebration culminated with a meal in the St Anthony’s Parish Hall. Many AMM members (under the coordination of Maricel, an AMM Core team member), in the spirit of Vincentian charity, ensured that all the hungry were fed, and the thirst had drink, and all would feel welcome and loved by Our Lord and Our Lady. The fellowship meal was a beautiful time to catch up with old and new friends, to give thanks, to be encouraged in unity, and to appreciate how far-reaching devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is in Sydney. The presence of the Daughters of Charity (DC), the Vincentian Fathers (CM) and its lay members also magnified the continuing legacy of Saint Catherine Laboure, this humble saint who once said

I knew nothing, I was nothing, for this reason God sought me out.

We would like to thank all those who once again, made this Feast Day possible, and (hopefully), like Mary, many souls were magnified by the Lord in this time.

AMM Adelaide: Devotion in Action – Serving communities through Our Lady’s Grace

By Alejandrino Ballado, published in AMM Bulletin Christmas 2023

The AMM Adelaide passionately fosters and spreads devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, lauded as the Exemplary Model of Discipleship. Our mission is to evangelize through a spectrum of Family and Community-Oriented Services, embodying our commitment to spiritual growth and communal service. These services encompass:

  • Household Family Gatherings: Hosting the image of Our Lady in various households, where devotees convene for Rosary and Novena Prayers held every 1-2 weeks.
  • Monthly Eucharistic Celebrations: Conducted in diverse Filipino Communities across Adelaide, South Australia, fostering spiritual unity and communion.
  • Participation in the Annual Adelaide May Marian Procession: A vibrant display of our devotion to honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Visitation of the Sick and Elderly Members: Our Core Group Members extend care and support by visiting the infirm and elderly within the Association and the wider Filipino community.
  • Annual Feast Day Celebration of Our Lady: An eagerly awaited event, typically held in proximity to November 27, the Feast of Our Lady. This day serves as a significant occasion for the Association and Devotees to express gratitude for answered prayers. It also plays a crucial role in gathering funds from sponsors and donors to support charitable organizations affiliated with
    the Association. These charitable endeavors include:
    • The Hutt Street Meal Centre, Adelaide
    • Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Adelaide
    • Marilak Foundation, Philippines
    • The Daughters of Charity-Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Philippines

The most recent Feast Day Celebration was a marked improvement over the previous year, which was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Over 200 devoted individuals participated in this year’s celebration, held on Saturday, November 25, amidst pleasant weather. The event commenced with a spirited Marian Procession around the Mater Christi Church compound, followed by Rosary Recitations and Novena Prayers led by various Marian Group Leaders within the Church. The celebration reached its pinnacle with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration led by Rev. Fr. Franco Lacanaria, Filipino Chaplain of Adelaide, and Rev. Fr. Tomas Ruiz as co-celebrant.